It is difficult to think of beauty and makeup tips on a daily basis because like art, beauty is such a subjective area. If you are looking for the latest trends, there are multitudes of websites to visit every minute that will make you feel so terrible about yourself that you buy whatever it is they are selling, when all you wanted to know was what color eye shadow was "in". And so you come off those sites spending money you didn't need to with a false sense of security about yourself until the next trend comes along. Furthermore, due to the various decades making their comebacks about every 10 years or so, the trends are recycled from the past. I am seeing and hearing the very same things we were told back in the eighties, and, well, let's face it, just about thirty years has gone by. I just don't think my face and body can handle the hip trends of yesterday, laughed at just a few short years ago, and newly recycled the same way they did back when these trends were new. Now that I have confused myself, and maybe you too, here is the solution... Find your classic look, and IGNORE the trends! What looks good on others may not look good on you, so as to never feel left out, here is what you do...
1. Understand your natural skin tone, eye color, and hair color. Notice the "natural". We can change all of these things, of course, but finding your natural base colors is very important. Once you have determined if you look and feel better using or wearing brown based or blue based colors, the possibilities are endless. How do you know if brown based or blue based works for you? Hold up a piece of white paper or fabric close to your face. Hold up a piece of off-white or ivory paper or fabric on the other side. Does one make you look washed out? Does one make you "pop". Whichever makes you pop is the one. White equals blue based, and ivory equals brown based.
2. Understand that our skin changes every seven years, so what may have worked for us several years ago may certainly not work for us anymore. What we are doing now is going to change in a few years. So be cautious of these recycled trends that come along to haunt us!
Fortunately, there are so many neutral colors from clothing to beauty products to choose from, it's not too intimidating to find what works. Overwhelming maybe, but if you can turn it around and make it play time to search for your favorite colors, wouldn't that be so much better?
I know you can do this! Have a wonderful time finding your classic.
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